Jiah Khan was an English-American actress and singer who appeared in three Hindi films with prominent Bollywood stars. She was born as Nafisa Rizvi Khan and had a promising career ahead of her. However, her life was cut short when she was found dead in her Mumbai apartment on June 3, 2013. The police initially ruled her death as a suicide, but her family alleged that she was murdered by her boyfriend, actor Sooraj Pancholi. A special CBI court investigated the case for almost a decade and delivered the final verdict on April 28, 2023. The court acquitted Sooraj Pancholi of all charges, citing lack of evidence and inconsistencies in the prosecution's arguments. The verdict sparked outrage among Jiah Khan's fans and supporters, who demanded justice for the late actress. Jiah Khan's mother, Rabiya Khan, expressed her disappointment and vowed to continue fighting for her daughter's cause.

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