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  • Writer's pictureAnkit Malviya

Educational Audiobooks for all the Courses : Audiobooks for CBSE, NEET, UPSC, EPFO, SSC, CLAT, NCERT

Accessing Free Audiobooks for CBSE, NEET, UPSC, CLAT, NCERT, IITJEE, EPFO, SSC CGL, MPPSC, CGPSC, BPPSC, UPPSC: Boost Your Learning with Audicate App


In today's digital age, audiobooks have become a popular medium for learning. They offer convenience and flexibility, allowing learners to access educational content anytime, anywhere. In this article, we will explore the benefits of audiobooks and highlight Audicate, an app that provides free audiobooks for a wide range of courses, including CBSE, NEET, UPSC, CLAT, NCERT, IITJEE, EPFO, SSC CGL, MPPSC, CGPSC, BPPSC, UPPSC, covering subjects like Biology, Chemistry, and Physics.

1. The Power of Audiobooks in Education:

Audiobooks have proven to be a valuable resource for learners of all ages. Here are some benefits of incorporating audiobooks into your learning journey:

- Accessibility: Audiobooks offer an inclusive learning experience, particularly for visually impaired students who rely on auditory content.

- Convenience: With audiobooks, you can listen to educational material on-the-go, whether you're commuting, exercising, or performing daily tasks.

- Multitasking: Audiobooks allow you to multitask by combining learning with other activities, maximizing your productivity.

- Enhanced Comprehension: Listening to audiobooks engages multiple senses, facilitating better understanding, retention, and recall of information.

- Flexibility: Audiobooks enable personalized learning by allowing you to adjust the playback speed, repeat sections, or pause and resume as needed.

2. Introducing Audicate App:

Audicate is a user-friendly mobile application available on the Play Store. It offers a vast library of free audiobooks covering a wide range of courses, including CBSE, NEET, UPSC, CLAT, NCERT, IITJEE, EPFO, SSC CGL, MPPSC, CGPSC, BPPSC, UPPSC. Audicate is committed to providing accessible and inclusive education to all learners, including visually impaired students.

3. Free Audiobooks for CBSE:

Audicate App provides free audiobooks for CBSE students covering various subjects. Some recommended books for CBSE courses include:

- Mathematics: "R.D. Sharma Class 10 Mathematics", "RS Aggarwal Class 9 and 10 Mathematics"

- English: "NCERT Hornbill and Snapshots"

- Social Science: "NCERT Contemporary India", "NCERT India and the Contemporary World"

- Hindi: "NCERT Kritika and Kshitij"

These audiobooks cover the syllabus prescribed by the CBSE board and are available for free on Audicate.

4. Free Audiobooks for NEET:

Audicate App offers a comprehensive collection of audiobooks for NEET exam preparation. Some notable titles include:

- Biology: "Biology: NCERT Biology of Class 11th and 12th", "Objective Biology" by Dinesh Publications, "Trueman's Biology" by Pradeep Publications

- Chemistry: "Physical Chemistry" by O.P. Tandon, "Organic Chemistry" by Morrison and Boyd, "Concise Inorganic Chemistry" by J.D. Lee

- Physics: "Concepts of Physics" by H.C. Verma, "Fundamentals of Physics" by Halliday, Resnick, and Walker

These audiobooks cover the NEET syllabus extensively and are available for free on Audicate, including access for visually impaired students.

5. Free Audiobooks for UPSC, CLAT, and Other Exams:

Audicate App offers audiobooks for various competitive exams like UPSC, CLAT, IITJEE, EPFO, SSC CGL, MPPSC, CGPSC, BPPSC, UPPSC. Some recommended titles for these exams include:

- General Studies for UPSC: "Indian Polity" by M. Laxmikanth, "History of Modern India" by Bipan Chandra, "Geography of India" by Majid Husain

- Legal Aptitude for CLAT: "Legal Awareness and Legal Reasoning" by A.P. Bhardwaj

- Mathematics for IITJEE: "Mathematics: Objective Mathematics" by R.D. Sharma, "Higher Algebra" by Hall and Knight

- General Awareness for EPFO, SSC CGL, MPPSC, CGPSC, BPPSC, UPPSC: "General Knowledge" by Lucent Publications

These audiobooks cater to the specific syllabi of these exams and are available for free on Audicate.


Accessing free audiobooks through the Audicate App can greatly enhance your learning experience for various courses such as CBSE, NEET, UPSC, CLAT, NCERT, IITJEE, EPFO, SSC CGL, MPPSC, CGPSC, BPPSC, UPPSC. With Audicate, you can download the app from the Play Store and gain access to a vast collection of audiobooks for subjects like Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics, Social Science, English, and more. Audicate is committed to providing inclusive education and offers free audiobooks, including visually impaired students. Embrace the power of audiobooks, enhance your learning, and excel in your academic pursuits with Audicate.

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